dryer vent project

On all streets except for 251, 361 and 381 (these streets are of a different design) we will be double checking how dryers are vented and if they are up to code.

Homeowners have made lots of changes over the years to the dryer vents, and some haven’t done any updates since the units were built in the mid 1970’s. We will be placing notices and Mike will be reaching out so we can gain access to the attic space. If we need to make changes to bring this up to code and make the venting safer, we will do so at that time.

To give perspective. In years past it was ok to vent into the attic or use soft flexible ducting. In 2023 the ducting for dryer must be ridged and vent outside.

The board feels very strongly to assure that dryers are venting correctly. We also highly recommend that you get your dryer ducting cleaned annually.

Community Updates

We have had to spend several thousands of your dollars as Bullrun HOA unclogging sewer pipes. When the pipes were cleaned, we found all kinds of wipes (face/cleaning/baby), washcloth, and even a beach towel. This all leads to backups and issues you really do not want to have in your unit.

  • We welcome residents to the Board Meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. Please also look at the Board Members and Committees page on the website for information on our Landscape, Parking, Recreation and Architectural Committees.

  • As a reminder, the landscape bags should be put out at the end of your street any time on Mondays and before noon on Tuesdays. Our areas look nicer if they are not placed there from Wednesdays thru Sundays. They are usually placed somewhere close to or across from the mailboxes on each street. —Thanks from the Landscape Committee.

  • Please do not place out garbage cans early and place them back into your garage on Tuesday after they are picked up. We have issues with people going through the cans, as well as racoons and other animals getting into them.

Screenshot 2021-06-29 170822.jpg
  • Did you know that if the lid on your garbage can is not fully closed, and is lifted up a bit due to extra garbage beyond the capacity of the garbage can, GSS can charge you for an extra bag of garbage? So if you see Bullrun passing a charge that your unit had onto you, this might be why. If you have an issue with the bill, please contact GSS, as we simply bill out extra charges to the units that received the charge. As a side note, you could also be charged if you place non recyclables in the blue bin.

    If you plan on placing out extra garbage or an extra can as you do some extra cleaning, please contact GSS and pre pay for this service as our pickup service is for one can of garbage and one recycling can.

Monthly Homeowner Dues
2025 $393.75

Mike Gould

Call or text during regular business hours. Please do not call or text after hours or weekends for non emergencies.


Manager Office Hours
Monday’s from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. and by appointment.

Mailing Address
381 NE Village Squire Ave #11
Gresham, OR 97030

Drop Box
Right side of the recreation center.



Board Members and committees

To find out more about the Board Members, Board Meeting, as well as our various Committee meetings click the button below. The Board and Committees are all volunteers. Would you like to help?


Governing documents and request forms

Do you want to look up a Policy, By-Law, or CC&R? Homeowners are responsible for knowing and being up to date on the rules of Bullrun.


Welcome packet

If you are new to Bullrun, this is a great place to start.


Request form

Need a form for a Parking Permit, RV Lot, Architectural Control Committee, or exterior repair? Follow the link below. All are available there.